
Feng Shui Project – Testimony

Finally, with regard to my family, Feng Shui has kept its promises of balance and harmony! — Elodie, Hong Kong

“Several months after we moved into our duplex in Stanley, I was still not feeling at home and I felt a feeling of vague uneasiness, with really no identifiable cause.
In addition, two of my children, sharing the same room, had serious difficulty to fall asleep at night while my second daughter, who was in another room, was sleeping easily.

As Feng Shui is a subject that has always interested me, I spoke to Geneviève who suggested me to make a complete Feng Shui diagnosis of our duplex to improve the situation.

What I appreciated in the approach of Geneviève is first her availability. Indeed, she visited three times our place : first for an overview of the existing situation, to study the configuration of the rooms, the position of the furniture and to determine the direction of our duplex with traditional Chinese compass, Lo Pan – pretty impressive! – ; a second visit to provide me with the actual diagnosis with all Feng Shui solutions ; and finally a last visit a few weeks later to review the changes that I made to my apartment following the second visit.

Moreover, I loved her way to build the relationship – very attentive, very empathetic – which helped me to clarify my needs and refine my expectations.

I was also very sensitive to the quality of the finished product that Geneviève gave me during her second visit : in addition to a very comprehensive and well presented document detailing all Feng Shui Solutions, Geneviève helped me to see the right colours using a colour chart. I enjoyed a lot the practical side of the recommendations, therefore easy for me to implement – either immediately (change the position of furniture, for example) or with a minimal decoration investment. I also want to emphasize flexibility in the Feng Shui solutions that Geneviève suggested me : for example, she had planned three options for allocating rooms among family members ; she explained to me the advantages and disadvantages of each of them so that I could choose knowingly .

Finally, what has definitely convinced me is the relevance of the analysis of Geneviève and the efficiency of the Feng Shui improvements implemented : today, I feel so much better at home. Actually, I simply feel “at home”. For example, I have radically transformed my living room and my study room – where I could not “relax” before – in cozy and welcoming spaces where I now spend long moments to read or work with pleasure.
My three kids love their new respective bedrooms and their sleeping problems have disappeared.

Finally, with regard to my family, Feng Shui has kept its promises of balance and harmony!”


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