
Feng Shui Project – Testimony

My daughter's room has now been "Feng Shui compliant" for over six months and she is still sleeping just as well! — Stéphanie, Hong Kong

“When we arrived in Hong Kong in October 2012, my 7 month old daughter, who was sleeping through the night without a problem, began to consistently wake up several times a night and cry regularly in her sleep. I first put these disturbances on account of our arrival in a new country (we lived in France before) and adaptation to a new environment. By March 2013, nothing had changed and the family situation was becoming more and more tenser. This is where Geneviève offered me a “Baby Feng Shui ” consultation to find a solution to the sleep problem.

Geneviève studied the Feng Shui of my daughter’s room, she explained me why she did not sleep well in the current layout and she gave me the keys to improve the situation and transform my daughter’s room in a peaceful, cosy cocoon. I quickly made the changes recommended by Geneviève and, in just a few days , my little girl started sleeping peacefully and restfully again. My daughter’s room has now been “Feng Shui compliant” for over six months and she is still sleeping just as well!”

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